User:DarkShadow/Other Crap

Template:Trim Template:Trim - My Shared Network Files at DropBox

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Working OnEdit


AKA Dark_Shadow and DHC_DarkShadow on the dd-wrt forums.

60k nvram (like e2000 and e3000) or normal 32k

<ref name="rn">{{cite web | url = | title = Article Title | accessdate = 2012-10-07 | publisher = Publisher Name}}</ref>

Authentication for SavingEdit

When a page is saved on your wiki cats have to be picked out of a lineup to prevent spamming. How do I go about setting that up on my wiki? If need be I can let you create an account on my wiki and upgrade your user status if you'd like to set it up or if it can even be done that way.   WifiShadow   talk    contribs   12:18, 12 March 2012 (EDT)

The kitten auth system is Asirra. There is an Asirra extension for MediaWiki which will integrate it into the wiki. Setup and configuration should be trivial, just follow the instructions on the Asirra page and the ConfirmEdit page.
--  M86   talk    contribs   15:13, 12 March 2012 (EDT)


Radio TempsEdit

echo eth1=$((`wl -i eth1 phy_tempsense|awk {' print $1 '}`/2+20))
echo eth2=$((`wl -i eth2 phy_tempsense|awk {' print $1 '}`/2+20))

accessing different subnetEdit

Phuzi0n: First off, this will only work if the router that was reset is connected via one of its LAN ports since the WAN port is firewalled by default. On the gateway router you just assign an IP to a br0 virtual interface and add NAT since the reset device won't have any route to the other network.

In save startup

ifconfig br0:1 netmask

In save firewall

iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o br0 -d -j MASQUERADE

Samba2Edit - Samba2 dd-wrt


nvram size and amount free

nvram show|grep free

ext filesystem support

ls -R /lib/modules/ | grep ext

In the My Page thread redhat27 wrote:
...and with no nvram commits:

I noticed that the script permissions were properly set by default in the tarball.

So, a super easy way to 'install' the my page script files is just copy the tarball mypage-files-v0.16-20100129-00520.tgz over to your persistent storage (I used /jffs/store) and have this as part of your startup script:

if [ -e "$myPage" ]; then
  tar -C /tmp/www -xzf $myPage
  for pageIndex in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
    pages="${pages} /tmp/www/mypage${pageIndex}.sh"
  nvram set mypage_scripts="`echo $pages`"

Of course you may wish to install less: just remove the relevant page indexes.
corerev comand

nvram show|grep corerev

If you have a dual radio, you will see wl0 & wl1. If you have a single radio, wl0 will contain the corerev.

wl commands

Put simply, always specify the interface.
wl -i `nvram get wl0_ifname` [rest of command]
wl -i `nvram get wl0_ifname` cap = Wireless capabilities. example:

Asus RT-N16
 wl -i eth1 cap = Wireless Capabilities of radio at "eth1"
Netgear WNDR3300
 wl -i eth2 cap = Wireless Capabilities of radio at "eth2"
 wl -i eth3 cap = Wireless Capabilities of radio at "eth3"

reference: [[dd-wrt-wiki:Wl_command Wl command]

Getting the current up and down bandwidth

If anyone is interested u can get the amount sent and received by using grep and ifconfig:

RX=`ifconfig br0 | grep "RX bytes:" | cut -d ':' -f2 | cut -d "(" -f1 | tr -d ' '`
TX=`ifconfig br0 | grep "RX bytes:" | cut -d ':' -f3 | cut -d "(" -f1 | tr -d ' '`

If you can get the amount sent then u can get the current by just doing it again and subtracting them

USB HDD spindown

echo 1 > /sys/block/sda/device/scsi_disk:0:0:0:0/allow_restart

D-Link Recovery ?Edit

The procedure is the following:

use an ethernet cable to connect to a lan port on the switch;
set the ethernet port ip to;
disconnect the router's power cable;
press the reset button and keep pressing it;
connect the router's power cable;
wait about 20 seconds with the reset button still pressed; the power light should be orange and blinking;
release the reset button;
use a browser and go to;
upload one of dlink's original images.

Please note that even though the emergency webserver will be listening at, the router won't respond to pings.


The default settings are in file …./src/router/nvram/defaults.c in TomatoUSB

External storageEdit

Per shibby:

"you can format a drive via router!"

  1. First umount drive
  2. Then mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdxx (where sdxx is a partition on drive) Do not use ext3 on SD card. Use ext2.


Wiki LinksEdit


User:Buddee User_talk:Buddee